Jun 12, 2008

Q & A with Rusty

Yep, more answers from yours truly.

Q: So, I have a question for Rusty: What did you think of Butch when he told the Israelites all about you and helped them?
A: All I can say is that I was so fed up with that stupid little stunt that a threw a Rusty Temper Tantrum. (believe me, it's not pretty) It's stupid dweebs like him who inspire me to continue with this blog attacking the laughable town of Odyssey.

Q: Since you seem to be so fond of Odyssey, Rusty, do you know all the citizens of Odyssey?
A: I happen to know a good deal about everyone who lived there when I did, but even though that's changed I try to keep in touch with everything that happens there.
(this Wooton...)

Q: Why'd you write a book about Odyssey in the first place? It's like me trying to write for CBS. A bumbed out time.
A: It's so much fun writing about Odyssey! Once I started, one stupidity after another kept coming to my attention, leading to my book.

Q: Can I get a copy of your book? (hmmmm...)
A: Sorry, my book is not available for order at the moment. However... stay posted and alert for surprises!

Q: Do you still respect Rodney Rathbone?
A: Respect? No. Appreciate? Yes.
Rodney's ok, the kid(if you can call him that) taught me what I know, but... I've definitely surpassed him.

-Rusty G.


Anonymous said...

By changeing the name of the blog the email is wrong.

-Jared deWhite

Anonymous said...

i found it jellyfish!

Anonymous said...

What do you mean?

Anonymous said...

i have been looking...you posted it:)

Anonymous said...


You still think it's me?!

Anonymous said...

no! you said you found it and so i linked it and when i didn't find it i searched it and found it finally! i don't think u did this. you'd tell me if u did!i think....

imawesome519 said...

rusty you know i have aquestion at one time did you like oddessy because if you lived there so long there had to be something you liked about it