Jul 3, 2008

Slow Work

Sorry about not updating. I have yet to get anything from that encrypted message. It may take more time. I have contacted a friend out of country, and he says he'll try to help. He's seen the same type of encryption before, but he can not put his finger on it either.

I'm working to find out who is behind all this. As Rusty said, the computer crashed. That was bad. But I at least saved that one encrypted code. The other one found on Margret Faye's computer is like the last, but of course probably with a different message. My friend is working on it. We don't know if time is for us or against us. There may be a long abttle up ahead.

Thanks for waiting patiently. I am working as hard as I possibly can. I'm not getting much sleep these days... this encrypted code is getting to me...

No other have been found, thankfully. But that could be bad.

Oh, myy phone just rang. I think it may be news on something.



Anonymous said...

Yay! It's back!!

Anonymous said...

about time. but where is rusty? maybe rodney didn't do nothing and danielle has something to do with it.

i'll keep y'all posted.

Rusty G. said...

Thanks, Snoop!
It's great to have someone who sees it our way!